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Exam Accommodations

If approved for an exam accommodation, students may choose to take proctored exams at SAAS.  Exam requests are made through the student’s AIM portal and staff will review with each student the procedures for arranging these accommodations. Examples of possible exam accommodations include extended exam time, exam room, audio exams, use of assistive technology, and food and drink during exams.

Student Responsibilities

It is the student's responsibility to make sure all requests for accommodations are completed and submitted on time.

  • Exam requests must be submitted three full business days prior to the exam date. The student will be notified each semester of the due date for final exam requests. 
  • It is the student's responsibility to speak with their instructor regarding each exam to be taken at SAAS.
  • It is the student's responsibility to submit exam requests for the same day and time as the class normally meets.  It is the student's responsibility to receive approval from their instructor if scheduling to take an exam at an alternate day or time.
  • It is the student's responsibility to be on time for all of their appointments, including exams. If the student is late for an exam, they will only be given the remainder of the time indicated on the exam request; no additional time will be granted.

Room Use Rules

  • The student is not allowed to leave the exam room during the exam.
  • No food or drink will be allowed in the exam rooms.
  • Coats, backpacks, purses and other personal belongings will be stored in the reception area closet. This closet is kept closed and locked.
  • No electronic devices are allowed in the exam rooms. These devices must be turned off and left in backpacks in the closet or with office staff.

All exams in the exam room are video proctored by staff members. Student Access and Accommodation Services upholds the University policy on academic dishonesty.