Parking Accommodations
Disability Related Parking Permits
SAAS will provide the Office of Parking and Transportation verification of appropriate parking designation based on disability and/or medical/mental health condition. No parking permits will be issued until a parking tag is purchased from the Office of Parking and Transportation. All parking accommodations must be approved by SAAS.
Documentation must be submitted to SAAS to verify the need for designated parking. These permits, issued for a specific length of time, allow students with documented need to park in the faculty/staff (red tag) lots closer to class buildings.
State Desginated Accessible Parking Spaces
If the student has the State of Illinois tag or license plate permit to use accessible parking spaces (designated on campus by a blue wheelchair sign), the student should take their tag or vehicle registration to the Office of Parking and Transportation and purchase the appropriate University parking tag. No form from SAAS is needed. Parking Services will forward information to SAAS.