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Documentation provided to SAAS is considered private and will be used for the expressed purposes of establishing protection under the law, determining appropriate accommodations, and ensuring the effective implementation of those accommodations. All provided information will be protected against misuse by others. 

Please note, while documentation such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, private or state educational agency records, healthcare provider, and/or military records may be sufficient to establish a disability and is always considered, documentation alone does not inform whether accommodations are reasonable.  We consider a multitude of factors when exploring reasonable accommodation

The student is responsible for paying for any assessment needed to verify a disability and/or medical/mental health condition.

Illinois State Statue (110 ILSC 195) identifies the following documentation as sufficient to establish a disability: Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs), 504 Plans, plan of record from private or public educational agency, healthcare provider, and/or military records. Please note that if the submitted IEP and/or 504 Plan was not in effect immediately prior to when the student exited high school, then the University may request additional documentation.

If additional documentation to establish disability is needed, the documentation provided should be typed on the provider's letterhead, dated and signed by the provider.


General Questions

Learning Disability

A full psycho-educational assessment is helpful. Other forms of documentation may be acceptable. Students who currently hold documentation are encouraged to provide the documentation to SAAS and discuss if additional documentation is needed.

The following information should be submitted for a student diagnosed with a learning disability who requests accommodations:

  • Diagnosis
  • An assessment battery (with scores), including:
    • Aptitude/cognitive testing
    • Individual Academic Achievement testing
    • Information Processing Testing
  • Clinical Summary: It is helpful to understand how the evaluator has ruled out alternative explanations for academic problems, how assessment score patterns reflect presence of learning disability, how the learning disability constitutes a substantial limitation to learning or other major life activity, the degree to which learning is impacted by the learning disability, and the rational for specific accommodations being recommended.

Include any additional information relevant to supporting the student; this could include additional diagnosis identified as result of testing completed.

Attention Deficit Disorder

A full psychological evaluation is helpful. Other forms of documentation may be acceptable. Students who currently hold documentation are encouraged to provide the documentation and contact SAAS to discuss if additional documentation is needed.

The student must provide documentation from their health care provider:

  • Identify a specific, current diagnosis, indicating original diagnosis date, frequency and severity of symptoms for the individual.
  • Describe how the student's diagnosis impacts/limits the student in a post-secondary educational setting.
  • Provide recommendations for specific accommodations with explanation and support.
  • Medications and any important side effects to note, if applicable.
  • If available, assessment battery results

Include any additional information relevant to supporting the student; this could include additional diagnosis identified as result of testing completed.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

To receive services one must provide recent audiological documentation from a certified audiologist:

  • Identify a specific, current diagnosis, indicating original diagnosis date, frequency and severity of symptoms for the individual.
  • Describe how the student's diagnosis impacts/limits the student in a post-secondary educational setting.
  • Provide recommendations for specific accommodations with explanation and support.
  • Medications and any important side effects to note, if applicable.

Visual, Physical, Medical Disabilities

The student must provide documentation from their health care provider:

  • Identify a specific, current diagnosis, indicating original diagnosis date, frequency and severity of symptoms for the individual.
  • Describe how the student's diagnosis impacts/limits the student in a post-secondary educational setting.
  • Provide recommendations for specific accommodations with explanation and support.
  • Medications and any important side effects to note, if applicable.

Mental Health Conditions

The student must provide documentation from their mental health care provider:

  • Identify a specific, current diagnosis, indicating original diagnosis date, frequency and severity of symptoms for the individual.
  • Describe how the student's diagnosis impacts/limits the student in a post-secondary educational setting.
  • Provide recommendations for specific accommodations with explanation and support.
  • Medications and any important side effects to note, if applicable.

Asperger's/Autism Spectrum

The student must provide documentation from their educational institution or a health care provider:

  • Identify a specific, current diagnosis, indicating original diagnosis date, frequency and severity of symptoms for the individual.
  • Describe how the student's diagnosis impacts/limits the student in a post-secondary educational setting.
  • Provide recommendations for specific accommodations with explanation and support.
  • Medications and any important side effects to note, if applicable.
  • Any additional information that would help SAAS assist the student in a post-secondary educational setting.